We think bigger -
for you
With a brand you position products and services on the market. A trademark can be many things - a company name, a product name, a slogan, a picture, a logo (word-picture trademark) but also a melody. The brand of your products and services is literally your trademark, your distinctive mark - for your existing and potential customers it is an important differentiation criterion from the offer of your competitors.
Before you establish a trademark in the market, you should have it protected as a monopoly right. The ROTHKOPF law firm specializes in this area. We advise you as early as the development stage of a trademark. With an accompanying search, we also check whether any rights conflict with a planned trademark.
The ROTHKOPF law firm will represent you in all proceedings to obtain and enforce your trademark rights. If desired, we can take over the complete administration and monitoring of your trademark portfolio.
In trademark law, we provide you with individual and comprehensive support in: