Precisely for your personal legal situation
D-80539 MUNICH
+49-(0)89-242 9189-0
About 70% of the added value of medium-sized companies in Germany is based on intangible assets, i.e. ideas. We secure the value of these ideas with patent, trademark and design rights. Because as Erich Otto Häußer, former president of the German Patent and Trademark Office (DPMA), said: "Whoever does not invent, disappears. Those who don't patent, lose."
Are you a well-positioned, medium-sized company and all you lack in-house is expertise in matters relating to intellectual property rights? ROTHKOPF can advise and support your company in setting up and expanding its patent, trademark and design portfolio. Our patent attorneys and attorneys-at-law will represent you in all matters relating to industrial property rights. We help you enforce your rights and put your competitors in their place. We are also happy to represent your interests in licensing negotiations.
The ROTHKOPF's in-house patent attorneys have themselves worked in industry for several years. Your company can benefit from this practical experience. In addition, ROTHKOPF cooperates with domestic and foreign attorneys. This enables us to protect your interests in Germany, within Europe and worldwide.